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Minnesota Forest Industries Wins ‘Telly Award’ For It’s ‘Trees Absorb Carbon’ TV Commercial
Minnesota Forest Industries Wins ‘Telly Award’ for it’s ‘Trees Absorb Carbon’ TV Commecial Duluth, MN – December 2024 – Minnesota Forest Industries (MFI), an association representing the state’s major forest products companies, has been awarded a prestigious Telly Award for a TV commercial it created in partnership with Hubbard Broadcasting. Titled “Trees Absorb Carbon, Forest…
Read MoreManaging Minnesota’s Forests
Managing Minnesota’s Forests a symbiotic relationship between aspen, grouse, and humans Learn More & Get Involved!Discover the intricate connection in Minnesota’s Aspen, Grouse and Humans that effect forests, wildlife and industry. Read this article written by Anthony Anselmo in Grand Forks Herald to learn more and see how you can get more involved. Read Full…
Read MoreYour Own Forest
Your Own Forest As Minnesota private forest landowners, you have access to a variety of educational and technical assistance programs to help you manage forested properties for timber, wildlife, recreation, soil conservation, water quality and many other benefits. This fact sheet contains information about those resources, including where to buy your own trees. Private Sources…
Read MoreWhat’s in a Tree?
What’s in a Tree? It’s More Than Just Paper. Just about everyone knows that paper is made from trees. But paper is only the beginning. Almost every part of a tree can be used to make something useful. When you add them all up, there are more than 5,000 products made from paper and paper-making…
Read MoreLogger Training
Minnesota Logger Education Program The more we know about our forests, the better we can take care of them. Every day, forest professionals make decisions based on experience and backed by science. That’s because continuing education has become such an important part of our industry. The Minnesota Logger Education Program (MLEP) was established as a…
Read MoreSustainable Forest Resources Act
Sustainable Forest Resources Act Ways the Sustainable Forest Resources Act Helps Minnesota’s Forests A significant Forestry LawIn 1995 the Minnesota Legislature adopted the Minnesota Sustainable Forest Resources Act (SFRA), one of the state’s most significant forestry laws. The act established policies and programs to ensure sustainable use and management of our state’s forests. Sustainability means…
Read MoreSchool Trust Land
School Trust Land What is school trust land, and how much does Minnesota have?Our forests and our children are both renewable resources, and growing one helps the other grow as well. How? By harvesting forests on designated School Trust Land in Minnesota, money is generated and used to benefit Pre-K-12 public education. This isn’t a…
Read MoreProviding Habitat
Providing Habitat Hunter’s Benefit from Effective Management by the Forest Products Industry.Many of the 36,000 people who work in Minnesota’s forest products industry share your love of hunting, so it’s gratifying to know our work is also helping improve recreational opportunities. In fact, more than 800,000 acres of Minnesota woodlands are owned and managed by…
Read MoreNorthern Long-Eared Bats
Northern Long-Eared Bats Northern Long-Eared Bats die in large numbers every winter – in some caves, their mortality rate is 99% – due to a fungal disease known as White Nose Syndrome. But rather than focusing on disease prevention and treatment, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks to make ill-conceived changes to the bats’…
Read MoreLyme Disease
Lyme Disease What is Lyme Disease?Lyme disease is a bacterial disease that is transmitted to humans and animals by the bite of an infected deer tick (also called the black-legged tick). The illness may affect the skin, joints, nervous system, heart and other areas of the body. Minnesota’s Forests Have Beauty, Wildlife.. And Lyme Disease…
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