Order Our Materials
Minnesota Forest Industries offers a number of publications and teaching aids that explain the role of the forest products industry in Minnesota. The materials cover economic, social, technological and environmental aspects of the state’s forest products industry and can be a valuable classroom resource for elementary, junior high and senior high school teachers. To order literature or kits, please check the items you’d like to receive and complete the form below. We’ll send an invoice along with your order. Shipping charges may apply.

Trees of Minnesota Poster
Twenty-two tree species found in Minnesota are identified on the front of this laminated, color poster, while the back contains additional information their unique properties, full size, age at maturity, where they're found in the state and other facts. 20"x28"

Leaf & Needle Identification Booklet
This booklet contains the same information found in our Trees of
Minnesota poster, yet it’s presented as an easy-to-hold booklet kids can share in the forests – complete with a sleeve into which leaves and needles can be placed. 6” x 9”, 32 pages.
Free. Limit 10 per class.

The Papermaking Kit
This is a newly updated, innovative, hands-on classroom project that involves students in the art of making paper. Each kit contains all the materials needed for a classroom of approximately 30 students. This kit is now also tied to the Minnesota academic standards.
See instructional video.
The first kit is $3.00 and subsequent kits are $8.00. Outside of MN, all kits are $8.00

Early Loggers in Minnesota Book by J.C. Ryan
Enjoy firsthand recollections by storyteller "Buzz" Ryan of the loggers, loaders, swampers, wood butchers and bull cooks who ruled the woods in the heyday of the pioneer lumberjacks - With dozens of historical photos in each volume.
$8.50 currently unavailable

Early Loggers in Minnesota Volume II

Early Loggers in Minnesota Volume III
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