What's in a Tree? It's More Than Just Paper.
Just about everyone knows that paper is made from trees. But paper is only the beginning. Almost every part of a tree can be used to make something useful. When you add them all up, there are more than 5,000 products made from paper and paper-making by-products. Many are common and others, like football helmets, may surprise you. And the best part? Trees are a renewable resource. With proper forest management, Minnesota's trees will last for generations to come.

Leaves and Needles
- Pine Oil
- Cedar Oil

- Oil
- Tea

- Books
- Calendars
- Menus
- Postage Stamps
- Telephone Directories
- Cellophane*
- Film*
- Shatterproof Glass

- Toothpicks
- Furniture
- Plywood
- Veneer
- Shingles*
- Musical Instruments
- Shoe Heels
- Popsicle Sticks

Saps, Gums & Resins
- Crayons*
- Hair Spray*
- Shaving Cream*
- Eyeglass Frames*
- Maple Syrup*
- Chewing Gum*
- Medicine*
- Paint*
- Football Helmets*

- Dyes
- Adhesives*
- Flavorings*
- Mulch
- Fuel

- Composition Board
- Filler for Linoleum
- Plastics*
- Soil Conditioner
- Fuel Briquettes
- Pulp
*Made from cellulose, oils and resins, the natural wood chemicals that are by-products of the paper-making process.
Source: TAPPI Public Outreach and American Forest & Paper Association